Company Description
Living Word Lutheran Church is a newly founded Mission church in Kingman, Arizona. We formed as a congregation in order to worship our God together, and stand with one another upon the His Word.
When forming our congregation, we knew we wanted to be a Lutheran church, and we had many options of affiliations we could choose to be a part of. After meeting with a pastor from the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ, having counsel with a few other pastors within the organization, much study and prayer, we decided as a whole to join the LCMC. We feel that the LCMC is an organization that has not only returned the Lutheran church to it's roots, but has also taken us back to the core of what it means to be a Christian church. As a part of the LCMC, we are a congregation that
Is free in Christ
Is accountable to one another
Is rooted in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions
Is working together to fulfill Christ's Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations.
We had our first worship service together at Tomlin Appraisal on May 8th, 2011. We have already outgrown that facility. We worshipped together at Manzanita Elementary school and the Katherine Heidenreich Center for several months, but November 20th, we finally moved into a facility we will be in for several years(unless God wills otherwise that is).
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Products & Services
Bible studies , Pastoral counseling , worship services , Confirmation classes , worship , Community outreach programs , Youth groups , Vacation Bible school , Children's time during sermon , Men's and women's Bible study groups , bible study , Childrens time during sermon , Sunday School
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